It is a formulation where its basic components are the essential proteins, complex macromolecules that in plants develop structural functions (components of cell walls), enzymatic (many biochemical processes are catalyzed by proteins) and hormonal. It is presented in liquid form, being considered as a complete biostimulant.

MAGUEY-GREEN FERTI-AMINO is applied to the crop in foliar form or to the soil, it has a very favorable effect on the nutrition of the crops, since it is supplied with the fundamental links for the formation of biological macromolecules, without the need for intermediate steps for the synthesis.

MAGUEY-GREEN FERTI-AMINO is a biostimulant that helps to overcome the different stress situations existing in crops, in the same way it helps to overcome moments of great demand for nutrients or metabolic activity.

MAGUEY-GREEN FERTI-AMINO liquid formulation obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis, increases the activity of the root environment and foliar mass, important in defense of stress situations produced by adverse weather conditions or by situations of energy and fatigue in the plantations.

Our amino acids are developed to help the plant when it suffers a series of physiological alterations that can lead to judgment or even damage to vital parts of the plant, as well as crop losses.

Stress control

It helps the biochemical processes that the plant supports due to climatic changes.


Biostimulant product produced from nature for nature.

Better development

Facilitates hormonal changes in the plant due to adverse situations.

Higher performance

Avoid the disordered states of the plant, increasing its vitality.

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